"I'm not gonna eat any (no) pie this year!" -Sarah with an H
(Fall 2000)
"Does my butt look good?" -Emily
"I think my nose is good." -Sarah with an H
"We write in blood." -Sarah with an H
"Why am I French?" -Emmick
"Every child should have a baby goat to teach them responsibility." -Joey
"Whoa!" -Dunkle
"Can you do the curve? I can't do that." -Sarah with an H
"It's pouring down the rain." -Erin
"Let's go to Virginia. We'll show you a beaver." -Dunkle
"They're like spam balls." -Emmick
"I've always wanted to be crazy, sexy, cool." -Joey
"All I gotta do is smack it around." -Erin
"Why's the edge of my cheese hard?" -Joey
"She makes me sweat." -Erin
"Is she a reptile or something?" -Sarah with an H
"Well those are kinda 'bootish'." -Dunkle
"My car only stretches so far." -Joey
"Want a ding dong, Dunkle?" -Emmick
"They're my ding dongs!" -Emmick
"We better go now, if you want to get it on." -Michelle
"It made me stupider going to that class." -Dunkle
"I'm not very good at these brakes." -Erin
"Her pieces are more interesting than mine." -Dunkle
"Remember, HMMM?" -Erin
"Do I look like the knower of all bread?" -Joey
"Yeah, it feels good, but it hurts." -Erin
"I saw my shadow and thought it was a car." -Sara
"Dunkle will roast your peeps." -Chuck?
"Talk to the pen, cause the Dunkle ain't listening." -Jenn & Dunkle
"Oh wait! uunnnhh." -Dunkle
"Chicken chicken, chicken head." -Unknown
"You drive like a girl, with really small ****." -Joey
"My weakness is rhythm." -Dunkle
"Don't tell your wife that." -Emmick
"They sure are!" -Dunkle
"I'm not a musician, I'm a guitar player." -Dunkle
"Erin and I figured out how I got pregnant." -Michelle
"Well I guess I'll just stick to **** now." -Dunkle
"Haven't you seen Space Jam??" -Dunkle
"I was freezing the meat." -Erin
"Look at the sign!" -Susan B.
"I will never be whipped." -Emmick
"I have found my calling in life. I should be the pastor of a black church." -Scott M.
"We've known for a long time that he wasn't gay." -Chuck
"The packaging is always more fun." -Dunkle
"I wish I didn't." -Emmick
"Joey would make a pretty girl." -Joi
"Girls fly better." -Julie
"Girls like to have their buns warmed." -Erin
"It's not rain, it's dripping water." -Dunkle
"Man, I'm getting stupid." -Dunkle
"Just stick it in the box! You stick it in the box! I did stick it in the box!" -Dunkle & Joey
"The speed limit was 55 so I slowed down to 70." -Dunkle
"I hope I'm not in a position where I have to think today. You're driving!" -Dawn & Dunkle
"Don't tell me to get ready when I'm already getting ready." -Erin
"Do you have a bed?" -Virginia
"I often think without speaking." -Stacy
"Naps don't cure everything." -Erin
"Horse poop is good." -Virginia
"Silence among the people!" -Carmen G.
"Heck yeah!" -Erin
"If I don't do anything, I won't get anything done." -Dunkle
"I'm going to tell the pastor on you!" -Erin
"The funny thing is, it doesn't hurt." -Scott M.
"Awana man!" -Stacy
"Awww. It's not a real bunny!" -Virginia & Dawn
"Marriage does not compute." -Emmick
"Oh, his butt closed." -Erin
"Doesn't she look nice? She looks nice." -Erin
"Monkey on a rocket!!" -Dunkle
"What's a scone?" -Goben
"I can't find the Internet. I can't get to the Internet. The Internet is missing." -Erin
"I should do laundry every night." -Erin
"I can just whip it out. I don't have to go diggin' for it." -Dunkle
"I didn't. I was always good." -Erin
"It was never a circus until the elephant pooped." -Erin
"We want your booty, not your butts." -Dunkle
"He does like to look at my pieces!" -Erin
"It's really putting down the snow." -Erin
"What are you writing down? I didn't say anything stupid." -Erin
"I'm so cool, the sun shines on me 24 hours a day." -Dunkle
"I don't like the crack. I'm falling in the crack." -Erin
"Our spam is now all in Spanish?" -Dunkle
"It's not Christmas without the tacky." -Erin
"What, are we communists? I didn't know I said that out loud." -Chrissy R.
"I don't try to be slow, I'm just good at it." -Erin
"Fine, we'll split our spools." -Dunkle
"You just whipper-snapped!" -Erin
"This is a different kind of funny, because he always dies at the end." -Dunkle
"Cause I'm a little girl." -Matt J.
"It's been there as long as I've seen it." -Dunkle
"I'm sure there are some good green lizards in Japan." -Dunkle
"I was trying to be nice but just didn't do it correctly." -Dunkle
"Sad elbow." -Dunkle
"I found part of my Grany that I had dropped." -Dunkle
"I have drugs in my car." -Erin
"At least my snowmen are cute." -Erin
"I'm a loser and I'm stupid." -Josh D-M
"I'm tiny. (Sara hit Josh and we all cheered.)" -Josh D-M
"Don't take notes on this. I'm not that good of an example." -Josh D-M
"I'm the coolest kid in school. They look up to me." -Josh D-M
"Gotta leave your stuff in the back." -Josh D-M
"I thought that was a girl singing, and then I realized it was Justin Bieber." -Dunkle
"You boil it in the bag!" -Kim R.
"I could have been the one scamming people." -Dunkle
"The G String is the hardest. Ask any guitarist!" -Dunkle
"You've got a finger, you can push it." -Brandon C.
"Maybe I haven't had enough beer to filter out the beer taste." -Dunkle
"I can't be management if I'm booted into Knoppix." -Dunkle
"I put you in the Matrix, I think I can make a border." -Dunkle
"I like my nut. It looks good." -Dunkle
"It's a bummer how legality prevents awesomeness." -Dunkle
"I am getting tired of Chick-fil-A, though." -Erin
"Are you trying to push all my buttons?" -P and N
"It's all my fault because I skip the commericals." -Dunkle
"I'm not saying you're slow, but you're not fast like Dad." -P
"I can't help you anymore." -Dunkle
"I've got enough knowledge." -Dunkle
"I probably still have drugs in my car." -Erin
"I don't know why this isn't working either." -Ed
"I thought you knew what you were doing." -Ed
"I am beyond languages." -Dunkle
"I don't even know what you're trying to say." -Dunkle
"Stop looking at my underwear!" -Dunkle
"Stick out your pinky finger when you eat your soup. Just in case you make weird sounds when you're drinking your soup, you're still fancy." -P
"What's the difference between wearing a mask and not wearing a mask? The same difference between Java and JavaScript." -Andres
"When you're old, do I get your LEGO?" -P